
Teamwork News

For the comfort and health of our clients, their dogs and our team during the warmer months, we move our class times at Taigum, 30 minutes earlier to avoid training in the heat.

The Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary defines obedience as obeying, submission, complying, submissive to superior’s will, dutiful. While we want our dogs to listen to us and follow our house rules, the real question is how we achieve this goal.

In any training relationship there are two parties – the trainer and the trainees (you and your dog). For training to be successful both parties play a role.

Teamwork Dogs’ role is to ……

Are you the life of the party or do you prefer quiet time with your loved ones? Like us, dogs also have preferences about where they feel comfortable.

One thing you won’t find on our social media channels are images of young children hugging or putting their faces near dogs. In light of a couple of recent incidents with dogs and young children, we believe it is irresponsible to promote images of children interacting with dogs inappropriately.

Enrolments open! Contact us today.